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Tuning guide for all VR6 engines
515 kW for your VR6 with an initial kilowatt of 128 or 140!
Black nitrided intake valves from Supertech for VW VR6 12V engines.
The VAG standard valves have the major disadvantage that they can break in engines with a significant increase in power or with long mileage.
The standard valves are hollow inside and sodium-cooled. With the very thin valve stem, there is not much material left to protect the valve!
Supertech valves offer the following advantages:
Available in original size as well as 2mm and 3mm oversize.
The valve seat must be adapted for oversize valves.
The kit contains 6 inlet valves.
Supertech Performance
285 Digital Dr, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, United States
BAR-TEK Motorsport GmbH
Im Rauschen Auel 3, 51491 Overath-Brombach, Germany
515 kW for your VR6 with an initial kilowatt of 128 or 140!
Chip und Motortuning
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Black nitrided intake valves from Supertech for VW VR6 12V engines.
The VAG standard valves have the major disadvantage that they can break in engines with a significant increase in power or with long mileage.
The standard valves are hollow inside and sodium-cooled. With the very thin valve stem, there is not much material left to protect the valve!
Supertech valves offer the following advantages:
Available in original size as well as 2mm and 3mm oversize.
The valve seat must be adapted for oversize valves.
The kit contains 6 inlet valves.
Supertech Performance
285 Digital Dr, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, United States
BAR-TEK Motorsport GmbH
Im Rauschen Auel 3, 51491 Overath-Brombach, Germany
515 kW for your VR6 with an initial kilowatt of 128 or 140!
Chip und Motortuning
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